Create a Push Notification campaign

From the left side menu, you choose Campaigns > New Campaign and then Push Notifications.

This brings you to the first step, the Content:

1. Write the title of the notification.

2. Write the message you want to pass on.

3. Go to next step.

After you have clicked Next Step, you move on to the second step, the Options.

1. Icon: You insert a URL to a small icon that will be shown to the left of the notification step. There is a recommended size of pixels(192x192).

2. Image: You insert a URL to a large image (360x180) that will be shown below the notification content.

3. Launch URL: You write the URL of your website.

4. Priority: You decide whether tha push notification is of High or Normal priority.

5. Time to live: You decide on the time your notification want to live.

6. You move on to the Next step.

In this Step you can send your notifications to all devices or limit the list of recipients by adding conditions below. Should you need any assistance you are advised to reach out to your account manager. Then you move on to Next Step.

Final step is delivery.

By clicking on Schedule Delivery, you get to choose when to send this campaign. Don't forget to click on Send

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