Understanding channel effectiveness

Channel effectiveness is a pivotal feature of ContactPigeon's platform, determining the success of your brand's communications and interactions, as well as your overall marketing strategy. It integrates various channels such as email, social media, Google Ads, push notifications, dynamic on-site pop-ups, and many more, providing a unified interface for businesses to connect with their audience.

The effectiveness of each channel is crucial in reaching customers through their preferred means of communication. Analyzing channel effectiveness involves assessing factors like response rates, campaign performance, and all engagement metrics. A well-optimized strategy not only utilizes diverse channels but also adapts based on the effectiveness of each, ensuring a seamless and personalized experience that aligns with customer preferences, ultimately fostering stronger relationships and brand loyalty.

Step 1.

You go to Analytics and slide down to Channel Effectiveness.

Step 2.

After you click on Channel Effectiveness, you will be transferred to the following page. Here, you can see the sources of your traffic and your channel-generated revenue. You can monitor the most and the least successful means of communication and modify your strategy accordingly.

1. For example, 10 purchases lead to a total of 2456 (dollars or euros).

2. In more detail, you have the analysis of the purchases and the relevant amount of money earned. All channels record the last non-direct click.

All channels record last non-direct click except for Indirect email which keeps 7 days cookie.

ContactPigeon's attribution model is based on the last click, but tries to attribute the conversion to the contact point that - based on algorithmic analysis - had the greatest impact.


newsletter - site - order >> email goes

site (directly) - order >> goes idirect

newsletter - site - fb - site - order >> goes to FB

newsletter - site - google - site >> go google (organics)

newsletter - site - site (directly) >> idirect goes

CP Channels: (features will appear according to the ones being used)

-email: Purchases that have come directly from a newsletter, bulk, or automated email.

-Indirect email: Purchases recorded with a campaign link as the last click, but not completed directly as in the direct category above. Here, the customer entered the site through a newsletter, left, and then returned within 7 days. During this period, no other advertising channel intervened. If the customer returns to the site within this period through, for example, an ad on Facebook, the purchase will be attributed to the corresponding channel (other channels) rather than here.

-onsite-registration: Purchases completed through the registration Pop-up.

-onsite-clicked: Purchases completed through a Pop-up, excluding the registration Pop-up.

-push-click: Purchases completed through Push notifications where the last click was on the Push link.

-push-view: Purchases made within 2 hours of viewing the Push notification, without any other promotional intervention.

-do.contactpigeon.com: From the "view this email in your browser" link.

-domain.cp.works (e.g., mzn.cp.works): Refers to purchases made through a Landing Page without a modified CName.

-inbox: The inbox category includes emails from non-web-based hosts, such as Outlook, etc. This is based on how the email server manages the "footprint." The same information also appears in Google Analytics.

Other Channels: (other channels will appear according to those used)

-idirect: All purchases made directly through the site.

-google: Organic search.

-google ad: Paid ads via Google

-facebook: Facebook campaigns.

-m.facebook.com: Mobile Facebook campaigns.

-l.facebook.com: This is a valid Facebook referral with a minor caveat. The "L" at the beginning of the URL means the user was redirected through a Link Shim before reaching your site.




-lm.facebook.com: Similar to l.facebook.com but from mobile devices rather than desktops.



3. The pie chart shows the order distribution, where the orders are coming from.

4. The pie chart shows the revenue distribution, where the revenue is coming from.

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