Review pop-up analytics

Impressions: The total number of users who have seen the specific pop-up.

Conversions: Any actions users have taken on the specific pop-up, such as signing up, placing an order, or clicking, based on the defined time period.

Conversion Rate: The percentage of conversions relative to the total recipients of the pop-up.

All-Time Conversions: All conversions recorded since the pop-up was activated.

Orders: Purchases made through the pop-up.

Profits: Revenue generated from purchases made through the pop-up.

Registered Clients: Users who signed up or interacted with the pop-up.

Note: To track clicks and orders for a pop-up, the pop-up must include a link! Otherwise, only impressions will be recorded.


In the analytics for pop-ups, the charts display Impressions, Interactions, and Orders. The Interactions correspond to the Conversions mentioned above.

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