How much revenue is ContactPigeon generating for my business

Channel Effectiveness

To view results for the revenue that ContactPigeon is generating for your business, navigate to Analytics > Channel Effectiveness and select the desired date range. For more details, refer to the documentation:


To view the number of orders and the revenue generated from ContactPigeon platform, navigate to CDP>Ecommerce Analytics.

For more details about the revenue of ContactPigeon through CDP, you can visit the link:

Email Campaigns

To view the number of orders and the revenue generated by your email campaigns in ContactPigeon, navigate to Campaigns > Sent Campaigns > Emails/Postcards.

For more details, you can visit the following documentation:


To view the number of orders and the revenue generated by your automations in ContactPigeon, navigate to Messages > Statistics > Automated Emails/Postcards.

For more details, you can visit the following documentation:

Push notifications

To view the number of orders and the revenue generated by your push notifications in ContactPigeon, navigate to Campaigns > Sent Campaigns > Push Notifications.

For more details, you can visit the following documentation:


To view the number of orders and the revenue generated by your push notifications in ContactPigeon, navigate to On site > Dynamic Pop-ups> Analytics (Select the pop-up for which you wish to view the analytics).

For more details, you can visit the following documentation:

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