Automation statistics

The date displayed on the right side of the statistics for each automation is the last date the specific automation ran.

  • Recipients: Indicates how many recipients the automation has.
  • Unsubscribers: Indicates how many people have unsubscribed via this specific campaign.
  • Openers: Indicates how many people have opened the campaign.
  • Clickers: Indicates how many people have clicked on the campaign.
  • Orders: Indicates the total orders placed through this specific automation (Direct/Indirect).
  • Customers: Indicates how many unique customers this specific automation has. If this number is less than the total orders, it may mean some users have made purchases more than once.
  • Revenue: Displays the amount of revenue generated through this automation.
  • Average Order Value: Displays the average order amount based on users who completed a purchase from the automation.

If we look at the statistics within the automation, the "Newly Delivered" recording refers to users who received the campaign for the first time. They are also counted among the "Delivered," so the total is noted there.

For automations that have been paused, we can still see their statistics. For automations that have been deactivated, we can view their statistics only if we make them active again.

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